Show #44: Mutiny, Chicago

Friday January 31st at the Mutiny in Chicago
Low Profile
The Steve Gattemayer Band
The Powerknobs
Arena Venus
Fucking awesome.
I could leave the review at that.  But I know u all want the long ass, unedited Hilger version of how the whole thing went down right?  Right?
Alright then.  We met up at Rob’s at 8.  Eric tells us that we r voted to play last.  That kinda sucks.  No that really sucks.  Oh well.  So we load up and drive to the club.  Its on Western right off Fullerton.  Its a nice place.  A nice dive.  Perfect for us.  So we load in and hang out for a long time.  Arena Venus r set up.  We’re hanging out talking with the Knobs and everyone else.  My sister shows up with Kelly who is a friend of my families.  That was cool.  Then two guys that I work with Jim Cavanaugh and Mike Phillips, showed up.  Leo “Bones” Toal(shown here, with Rob) and Dave Metko showed up.  It was great.

Even some mexican dude came into the bar and was trying to sell us some homemade tamales! And what the hell, even the great Dr.’ Z’s dad, Dr. Z Sr. showed up!(shown here, with Powerknobs bassist, Andrew)

So Ross from the Knobs feeds us some slices and Dominoes Dots.  Thanks Ross.  We chill and talk with Steve Gattemayer who is fucking awesome.  He was telling us some wild stories about Cincinatti.  All night I kept yelling at him “SG representin Cincinatti”.  He would just laugh.  He thougt Eric and i were a trip.
Arena Venus start their set.  They r a 4 piece with a chick singer.  They were alright.
Then the Powerknobs played.  They fucking rocked the house.  But Bill needs mutha fuckin strap locks.  Or just duct tape that strap on for good.  At one point he broke a string and Eric restrung the bitch during a song. They played all the songs we wanted to hear.  They opened with the Powerknobs theme song which is instrumental and went right into Wild Colonial Boy.  Eric and I went nuts.  They played Library Girl, My Baby’s in the CIA and All Night Party Action.  They played Bats Blood and Eric and I got to sing, or yell the chorus with Dr. Z.  who was going wild on the vocals.  Then as a tribute to RG Connect, they did a rendition of Straight 708’n.  I think it may have brought a tear to Eric’s eye.
Next the Steve Gattemayer band played.  They were a 3 piece.  Gattemayer sings and plays guitar.  They opened with a KISS tune, Detroit Rock City.  Eric and I were freaked out.  After that I was yelling for them to play Deuce or Strutter and Eric yelled for Black Diamond.  They were laughing at our enthusiasm.  They played a bunch of originals and made us wait for Strutter.  It was awesome.  Eric sang backups on the other mic.
Then we played.  We put up a sign that I made.  I just wrote on a piece of cardboard all ghetto: and then on the back:  Low Profile loves  We rocked fo sho.  We edited our set a bit.  Since Gattemayer played KISS, we had to play KISS.  Eric told him that we covered an obscure KISS song and he guessed that it would be off of the Elder which it is.  So our set went something like this:
Escape From the Island   (originally by KISS)
Kata #2
Low Profile Pt 1
Folsom Prison Blues    (originally by Johnny Cash)
Mr. Pig
The Empty Ramblings…..
Think About It
 the Grand Finale…….
Wild Colonial Boy            (originally by the Powerknobs)  feat Mr. Gaynor
Breakin the Law            (originally by Judas Priest)
After the show, we made SG take all the money out of the tip jar.  He couldn’t believe it.  He kept offering it to us and we wouldn’t take any of it.  Dave Metko kept apologizing in advance for any bad pictures he may have taken.  Eric told him that if he didn’t stop aplogizing, he’d kick his ass.  We talked with some crazy crack head dude outside the club about My Pet Monster, Voltron, other toys and cartoons from our childhood.  But he got a bit deeper with Eric telling him about how he plays from his heart and that he believes in it all.  I got a parking ticket and Eric told me not to pay it right away and to wait about a year till I get a notice in the mail telling me to pay it and this cracked out dude gives me the best advice.  He told me to pay it now while I have the money and get it out of the way.  “U may not have the money for that ticket in a year man.”  Thats pretty good advice coming from him.  So thats it.  The show was a blast.  U missed it.
Low Profile