Show #91: Red Line Tap, Chicago

Low Profile live at the Red Line Tap
Saturday November 18th
with the Craven Dogs and the Romeros

this place is pretty awesome and was a lot of fun. i got pretty ripped. moreso than i do at most shows. me and Metko played some real good games of pool. i had to park the van like 4 blocks away so everytime we needed to go to the van “to talk” we’d have to hike in the cold rain. Metko got some pics of us on the way from the van to the club. and we marched while Specialist Metko had us do military marching songs. it was fun but i think we were too drunk and yelling them out too loud. they were pretty vulgar. hahahaha. who cares????

anyways. the Romeros played first. these guys were an awesome and fun live band.
we played second. our set was:

Past Tense
Arnold Palmer and Katie Holmes
En Guarde
Nature of the Way Things Work
Radical New Idea

brettly from the band roundeye (RIP) was supposed to play with us but didnt becuase his band broke up. he was there anyways, since he books the shows and also is the soundman. super cool dude. satans seen roundeye also (at double door with rocky denis a while back) and said they were pretty awesome too.

some hippie dude was ripped and being cool with us, i think his name was cory.

Scott Herschler came out so this was his first time seeing our new songs. we told him he’d better get ready for em cuz he’ll be hearing them over and over in a few months when we come record with him.

the romeros were awesome. they are from the SW side and have played lot 4, they actually know mark 4 and once we had a show booked with them that got canceled. these guys were super cool, id love to play with them again.

the Craven Dogs played last. they rocked. they did a good cover of ‘Dancin Days’ by Led Zeppelin. i traded shirts with the bassist. i’ll have to bust it out at a show sometime. he played a pretty old MusicMan bass. it looked pretty dope.

we hung out a while after the Craven Dogs wrapped up. the Romeros gave us some of their left over free drink tickets which we immediately used up on more beers and shots. thanks guys. we left soon after that. and u know me and Metko hit up Castles befored i dropped him off.