Show #24: Uncle Snorkey’s, Berwyn

We set this show up about 4 months in advance. We were set to play an all ages at 7 and a 21+ at 10, both sets with Cyribiss. A few other bands also played with us at the all ages show. We had a pretty good turnout, mostly thanks to a band called Five Point O. I didn’t see their set but I heard it was Korn like and pretty decent. We played last at the all ages and while Cyribiss was playing, me and Hilger were standing backstage. Tony had put like 5 cups of water for his band on the stage near him. This guy walks up (who I was later told was in 5.0) and asks if the water is mine. I told him that it wasn’t and it was the bands’. I intended this as a way of getting him not to drink it. Being the idiot that he was, he drinks from one cup anyways. I just stared him down and I wanted to kill him. He got my vibes and realized how pissed I was. I must have scared him since he started apologizing and shit. I kept ignoring him and just stared right into his eyes. I asked why I hated him and I said, “I hate everyone — including myself”. He said that I had attitude and that was good. He said that he respected me and he saw the pins on my sweater. He told me to hang on and runs out the back door. He came back and handed me a pin that said “Fucking Glenview Youth Onslaught Quartet”. He told me that this band was crazy and since I had ‘attitude’, I would dig them. I put the pin on my sweater and it’s still there.

For the 21+ show, not a single soul turned up. Two band members girlfriends were watching us and that’s it. I remember playing ‘Clean House’ which is a pretty sad type of song and its slow at the end. I saw Rich from Cyribiss making out with his girlfriend at that part and I knew that I had written the song properly. Polish Mike from Cyribiss played ‘Brown’ with us and Rob played “For Whom the Bell Tolls’ with Cyribiss with me and Rich singing it together. Joe even started playing bass and. The sound system there was terrible and since the drunk sound man Heath was passed out at the bar outside, we just cranked up all the faders on the shitty crosswired board and it was LOUD. It still sounded like shit and I remember Rich singing into both mics and the same time and just screaming. We started destroying the place — throwing chairs and breaking bottles and tossing all kinds of shit. Somehow Joe got a bloody nose and blood was pouring out. It was fucking great.

Show #13: Riley’s Rock House, Aurora

We had jammed with Mike Farmer live many times to do Misfits encores and they were very popular with the crowd. We decided to actually rehearse and play a full set with him as a cover band. We did so at a place very far away in Aurora. It was a Battle of the Bands and there were about 10 bands so it was a very long show. To save time, they told us not to bring equipment. When we got there it was a little different though. They had told Rob not to bring drums, only cymbals. But he didn’t bring a high hat. No problem, someone was nice enough to borrow him one. Me and Hilger brought guitars only. But I guess that we were supposed to bring amp heads. Well, we play combo amps so we don’t have heads. The management was pissed but they found us something to use. It worked out nice since Hilger played out of like a 400 watt 8×8 cabinet and I had a nice Peavey 5150 half stack. I played my strat as my main guitar which I rarely do and I put 11’s on and it nearly broke my fucking arm. We planned to open with ‘Return of the Fly’ and we were going to start it and Farmer would walk out and sing in the nick of time. So we were in this little dressing room right before we were going to go on. Even now I still get a little nervous before the shows but Farmer hadn’t played in a while and he’ll probably deny this. We were putting black circles around our eyes with a lipstick and he was shaking like crazy. I offered to do it for him and he refused. The shit head sound guys refused to give us 2 backup vocal mics so we did with one but they put it on Hilger’s side. My cord was barely long enough for me to reach and it was stretched across the stage like a trip wire which Hilger had to jump over. On a similar note, did his usual jump into the floor and his cord was pulled so tight it almost pulled the amp over. Luckily, everything was all right. I remember being very depressed at this show after it was over and sitting outside during the other bands. Well I was later told that I missed the fun.

The other bands: Sans Everything was sans drums and they played 3 piece with a frontman and a drum machine and they almost won the damn show although they sucked. (which was based on crown applause at the end of the show — 4 hours after we had played and everyone of our fans had went home). The last band was called Quixotic like Don Quixote and they were total noise core and I’ll give them a prop although they were musically inept at their instruments. The only band who was cool personally was called Grady and they was all much older then use (around 29 or so) and had two guitars. Their frontman was cool and at one point he pulled out a mini tape player and put it to the mic and played to kind of a little girls voice talking and it was very sick and scary. Bonesaw opened with Tool’s ‘Sober’ and later played ‘Four Horseman’ by Metallica. They were heavy and pissed off. The band after us was called the Circus and I was outside when they played. Some shit went down I was later told.

The Circus plays blues rock and its very high energy. They are all right (coincidentally we later played with them at the Fireside and I’m still trying to figure out how they got a gig there). Their frontman was wearing cowboy boots, a T-shirt, flannel and fur lined jean jacket. On the hot stage this is insane and he sweat everywhere. He later told Rob that his inspiration is Iggy Pop and he would throw himself on the stage and get real crazy. He threw a chair and it almost hit one of the crazy headbangers in Bonesaw. It’s pretty much of a bad idea to fuck with these guys. They start yelling and in the end, security threw The Circus out which was about the only good decision they made all night. Also, I think that Bonesaw one the competition (which had a $100 prize). The Circus also made some stupid comments about us playing only covers and how we sucked but I definitely set the record straight at the Fireside (See that show for details).

Show #8: Smiler Coogan’s, Chicago

This was Leo Toal’s (the drummer for Eternal Bliss) birthday. Looking back, we still sucked pretty bad at this time. I have the video and we are very boring on stage, or at least I am. Of course Farmer played with us and that got the place screaming. Yellow Snowmen were totally nuts with 2 singers. Since then they have become more ‘punk’ and got rid of Tony Ridzon who was one singer. Bad move on their part. But they’ve played the Fireside and other shows with bigger bands like Apocalypse Hoboken and Operation Cliff Claven so what do I know.

We opened with Raymond and Rob’s snare was loose and fell apart right away. I never have really felt stupid on stage before but that was pretty fucking bad. I wanted to yell at Rob and still do but I guess it’s not really his fault.

Eternal Bliss played their last show that night despite numerous attempts to get back together. Personally, I hope they never do. Rob made the very good analogy of trying to get back with an old girlfriend so many times and you just break up again and argue and fight. It’s very true.

At the end of the show, we wanted to get paid and a lot of people had showed so we figured we would. Sabu told me that he needed a certain amount for himself which I have no problem with and that he had only made $15 over that amount so he wouldn’t pay us. I still know that he was lying but I told him to give me the $15 and split it $5 a band and although he was very shocked and pissed off, he gave it to me. We bought 2 Gatorades and a Snapple or something and it was gone. Joe and Washburn from Pie in the Sky also came to this show which I thought was weird. It was cold and Washburn didn’t wear a jacket for some reason so I gave him my sweater and I still laugh when I see the photos with him in the crowd wearing my sweater.

Show #5: Uncle Snorkey’s, Berwyn

This show was cool since we played on Friday night there and again at the Fireside on Saturday. Pisolero was like a rockabilly type of band and their bass player had a crazy devillock going. Coincidentally, we played our first encore (impromptu) with Mike Farmer as we jammed some Misfits. They all loved it. At one point the bass player asked us to play some Gorilla Biscuits when he saw the sticker on my case. Unfortunately we had to turn him down since we didn’t know any at the time. Now we know First Failure and Two Sides. Oh well…

Show #4: Uncle Snorkey’s, Berwyn

John Michaels was the guy that used to book shows at this dump. He was a cool, honest (pretty much) guy who was really interested in music and making money which although is not always a good thing to combine wasn’t so bad with him. Hilger must have found out about this place by reading IE or something. It was always 21+ and they were cool about us being underage. At one point John pitched us for like 2 hours about being on a compilation. It was totally not worth it for many reasons, but Hilger still has the unsigned contract on the wall of his apartment. Crime was a crazy type of metal thrash band and one guitarist had a real weed leaf taped to his guitar. They rocked but had little lead or solos and what little they did have was played exclusively with a cry baby. The singer poured beer all over himself and got pretty crazy. They were from Indiana but they brought some cool metal groupie chicks along who totally dug them. They were real nice guys. The Tom Moratta Project was off the wall. It was Tom Moratta on keys, percussion and vocals and another odd looking dork on guitar who played a dope vintage Les Paul. It was like a weird synth pop thing. A drum machine played the drums and it appeared to be hooked up to a home stereo that he brought along. They set up a bunch of shitty TV sets hooked to a VCR that played random images while they (attempted to) jam. They opened with an original called ‘Rebecca’ . I can still hear the melody — “Was it really me, Rebecca?!” We brought Phil Henkle along as a roadie and he got in for free. He was cheering for these guys and John Michaels gave his a real hard time and even threatened him or something. He gave me a super hard time too and I hated him. Strangely enough, he was very cool during future shows. The Tom Moratta project at one point played a cover by a band I never heard of and introduced it by saying, “Here’s one by a band we all know and love, The Spider Monkeys!” They said they were playing at a club called Fitzgerald’s and I’ve heard of the place. It’s definitely much different that Uncle Snorkey’s and I still can’t figure out how that got that gig.

Show #2: Jackhammer’s, Schaumburg


This was a very fun show. An old lady named Lou ran the joint and its since closed down and reopened as a country bar. This was an all ages show (maybe 18+?) but they served alcohol. Since the place was one big room with the bar right there, there was a piece of tape on the floor that you couldn’t cross. How stupid.

We opened with ‘Got to Throw Up’ by Satanic Surfers and we still joke about that one. The song is pretty hard and I barely even remember how to play it. I can’t really figure out why we would even play it live, much less open with it. We must have thought it was pretty good at the time. All the bands canceled including Racecar who sounded pretty damn good by the demo I received from Brad their guitarist who I briefly had some classes with at Columbia. I remember putting my amp on a chair which comically accentuated its smallness. The Impostors (R.I.P.) were a fun band and they had a chick drummer. I remember her trying to impress me with her clout and she told me and Hilger about how she had played the Fireside a few times (she asked if we had and I was embarrassed since we hadn’t, but I didn’t lie and just felt dumb by a 16 year old girl having more experience than me) with this band and her ‘side project’, Three Dollar Bill. Cool name, though. They were a very mixed crew — the bassist was Asian I also remember.

Before we got Low Profile together, me and Hilger responded to a few ads in IE for musicians looking for others. I responded to a guy who I can only remember as (email him!). I forget his name but he was about 35 and lived at home. He was a drummer and obviously was into Motorhead and other metal. We never jammed but spoke many times via Email and we met at this show. Guess he wasn’t impressed with my styles since I never heard from him again.

And of course, the infamous Tacit story. Tacit is a band that plays some weird type of instrumental 10 minute song shit. Hilger knew the bass player Lorian (nice fucking name). He came out to see us and seemed like a cool guy. Since all these bands had canceled, somehow he volunteered to play with his band and somefuckinghow I agreed to even let him use our shit. Well of course, our guitars weren’t good enough but he said he’d call his band members and have them bring guitars. The Impostors were going to play first, then Tacit, then us. Well the Impostors played and Lorian’s buddies were still not there. So we decided to tell him to fuck off and we were getting pissed. He started making excuses and I told him that he had ought to get out of my face and he told me not to yell at him or something. So I said, “What part of “NO” don’t you understand?” I wrote the song ‘Outspoken’ about this incident. We played our set and we were yelling at them and shit the whole time. I told the management that they had no permission from us and although they were free to let them play, I did not want them to. I guess they got the last laugh because they played anyway despite us yelling at them and shit.

Show #1: Smiler Coogans, Chicago

Our first show. I remember putting all of our equipment in a back area of the bar and watching over it until we played. It was interesting that Sabu (the East Indian owner of the bar) had told us not to even be there until 12:00. None of us were 21 either and he could have not let us play. The bar was packed and the only band I watched was Damaged Justice who was a Metallica cover band and a pretty good one at that.

I remember that when we played our set (which was pretty fucking bad, being that it was our first show) I pulled some jumps at some very inopportune times. I only had the one guitar at the time and luckily I didn’t break any strings. I started the ritual of lying down on the ground in front of the stage and playing in a rage. It was especially fun because the ground was very filthy and sticky and I could feel myself being peeled off when I got up. We didn’t even get to start until about 2:30 AM and we didn’t get home until about 3:30. A few people did come to see us though. We made a great flyer with a picture of a guy smoking crack.