This place is a pool hall. There is no stage whatsoever, we had to play infront of a bunch of video games in the corner. As I speak, I still have black eye makeup on that I can’t get off. We got there good and early but the place was locked up. Eventually Keith, our contact, showed up and let us in. 1st set: Low Profile w/ Mike Farmer 15 Misfits songs. We opened with ‘Violent World’. The set was great, I have so much confidence in our performances of those songs that its just perfect. Something inside of me kept telling me to save my strength for our second set, but I had to go all out. We were supposed to start at 6:00 but no one was really there yet and we stalled till closed to 6:30. Keith had said all 3 sets had to be done by 8, but he was leniant with our start time and didn’t mention anything abot it. The Perps were up next, Paul took a while fucking with his gear to get it going then it was fucking loud, too loud. To make up for it they opened with Mandy’s on Ritalin and Cute Blue Skirt. The guitar was so loud that the PA had to be cranked and it was feeding back. I manned it for the first couple of songs, turning it down during insturmental breaks but it was too fucking loud so I just turned it down and bailed. We finally got up there and jammed. Opened with Sex Party/Excited to Die, fucking awesome. We played 1-2-3 of 1-2-3-4. At one point, Keith came into the room and said something about ‘play some Jewel’. He sholdnt have brought it up. I jumped right into ‘You Were Meant for Me’, singing it and playing the guitar. I think that that was about the best reaction I’ve ever gotten from a crowd. They all heard Keith say to play it, and I think they all thought I would stop at any minute, and that I didn’t know the song that good. I played the first verse then said’Wait a minute, that shit sucks!’ Farmer came back up for ‘the 6th sense’, jammed it. Paul from the Perps requested ‘In the Zone’, neither me nor Hilger could remember the words or the music, we eventually did and jammed that. We were already well past our time to stop, but Hilger just kept on going with Lachrymose. I grabbed the mic for the stand for my rap and just tossed it on the ground at the end. The white guitar was a bitch, very ot of tune, had to switch back to the Jackson half way through the set and play that instead. Farmer said it was like our best show and I was thinking the same thing. There was like a family with a little boy or something right by me watching intently throughout the show, I made a point to scream in their faces and say a lot of offensive shit. Great. Totally great.