Tony Suba’s basement has a very low ceiling and tile floors so it is extremely reverberant and will blow your eardrums everytime. This was a surprise party for his girlfriend, Debbie. We waited in the dark and everything and flipped on the lights and jammed. I remember that we opened with ‘Outspoken’. The funny thing about Debbie and her friends is that we’re playing this loud long and I’m yelling and shit and they act like its totally normal and a pop song or something. They genuinely like us or at least they have me tricked.
The best was when at one point Rob glanced a stick off his nose. He started bleeding and then blood was everywhere. He kept playing and I didn’t know about the bleeding since I’m singing and my back is to him. We finish one song and I talked for a moment and then I introduced the next one and tried to start it. Rob yells for me to wait to I talk a little more. I still haven’t turned around and seen the blood bath which Rob is attempting to control. He was also drinking and it must have thinned his blood. I go to start again and he yells for me to stop. I got a little pissed at this stalling and I turn around and there’s blood everywhere: on his face and clothes, drums, sticks. We finished the set and he drank some more and got really goofy and lightheaded probably due to the blood loss. I took him home and he said that his folks thought he got into a fight or something and he was totally loopy and tried to take a leak in the closet or something when his mom stopped him.
I met Joe from Cyribiss that night and we traded the guitar back and forth all night and played Metallica and Slayer riffs. At one point he played some Manowar which is obscure but the riff was crazy. It was fucking great. It takes a special person who is like myself and enjoys jamming so much. Hilger said this about him and I totally agree. When we met him, he’s wearing red contacts and looks like Kirk Hammett from Metallica who he clearly idolizes. I showed him my Jackson and I showed him my Strat. I asked his if he wanted to play it and I handed him the guitar and he immediately goes to like the 23rd fret and rips this insane metal solo. Fucking awesome. At one point later that night when we were trading the guitar back and forth, the guy who lives upstairs was with us partying and he’s watching us jam and he says to turn it up. We had the amp set real low cause it was late. Then he demands that we turn it up and how he owns the house which is true. So we cranked it!